I was happy, although for a long time he found various excuses not to come – either expensive tickets, or passport issues. But this time I believed that everything would be different.
I got up in the middle of the night, started cleaning the house, cooked a delicious dinner to meet him, as befits a wife who has missed him for these months. Everything was ready, and then a few hours later the doorbell rang. My heart fluttered with joy, I rushed to open the door, but what I saw became the worst moment in my life.
My husband was standing at the threshold. But he was not alone. Next to him was a beautiful young girl, Russian. I was confused, not understanding what was happening. “Who is this?” I asked, barely holding back tears. Then he confessed. It turns out that he secretly married this girl and now wants me to accept it. He said: “I love and respect you, I don’t want you to live in an illusion and suffer next to me.” His words only intensified my pain.
At that moment, everything flared up inside me – anger, pain, humiliation. I kicked them both out of the house, telling them never to come back and to forget this address. I can’t believe that the person I was waiting for and loved so much turned out to be a traitor. I called my mother, told her everything. She decided to come to me tomorrow to support me in this difficult moment.
Now I don’t know what to do and how to live on. The pain and disappointment overwhelm me, and I can’t imagine my future.