Deciding to teach, to make your professional life available to children and young people, is a very noble choice, but also a very complicated one. If, on the one hand, it imparts knowledge and helps
In the education of children is a wonderful thing, on the other hand, it hosts many problems.
Uninterested children, parents ready to express all sorts of criticism, colleagues reluctant to collaborate:
These are some of the obstacles that can be encountered. But there is another, just like Spiny: the salary.
A young teacher from CM2 who decided to change careers knows it well … the woman at the center of the
Story is a former teacher from Arizona, who decided to talk about her problem in a video on Tik Tok.
After only two months of working in a school, the young woman decided to quit because her salary was also
Low. Since her intention was not even to evolve in the sector and advance in rank, she decided to send a
Few applications and pass an interview as a barista. As soon as she learned the amount of
Salary, she did not think too much before accepting.
«As a teacher, I only earned 12 dollars an hour, while as a barista, you can get between 20 and 22
dollars, she says. When I was in school, I worked on Saturdays, I was responsible for 30 children at the
same time and I couldn’t get by with the money, I had to resort to my savings and I saw my colleagues
working on second jobs. «
A grim reality that the young woman decided to leave. Those who followed her story were divided in two. If,
On the one hand, some agreed with her on the need to give teachers higher salaries, on the other hand,
There were those who argued that it would be better to know the salary first, rather than
complain later.
What is certain is that many sectors are in the same situation and that many workers
receive much less than they should. The reasons could be different, but it would be right to reach a point
where everyone could get their share and avoid such abandonment.
What do you think?